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Our Multi-Channel B2B Appointment Setting Solutions Allow You To Stay, Focused On What You Do Best: Closing Sales

About Aleos and our Service

We are a Marketing label and the market leader in sales & marketing for tech and software companies. Marketing as a Service offers fully outsourced lead generation for B2B IT and SaaS companies.

Our team of experienced new business professionals has a very large existing network within the European IT and Marketing sector. Besides, they are highly experienced in generation of High Quality Leads, software and professional services.

Thanks to our years of specialization in and focus on the technology and Marketing segment, we also possess extensive market knowledge and have a deep understanding about the latest and most advanced technologies.

Prospecting is a (very) important part of the sales process. By approaching the right companies and organizations and bringing your products and services to their attention in the most optimal manner, you will be able to fill your pipeline with qualified leads.

By working with Aleos, the continuity and quality of your lead generation will be guaranteed.

When you outsource your Aleos team to Aleos as a Service, you will save considerably on recruiting, selecting, onboarding, training and coaching new sales employees

Within two weeks, you will have one or more new (external) Aleos colleagues. They have an affinity with IT and are trained and coached by our experienced managers.

You will be able to start your prospecting activities on the shortest possible notice.


Over the years we have developed processes and procedures that allow for a programmatic approach. We study every product or service that we add to our portfolio extensively and conduct research into the segment, company or even the person we are focusing on: what are developments and trends in the market?
What are the plans and challenges the prospect and his / her organization are facing? Oftentimes, we assume an advisory role. This way, we ensure we tell the right story to the appropriate person in the most relevant organizations. As a result, our clients perceive us as trusted consultants that are providing relevant information.
Sales Development Representatives are expensive: recruiting, selecting, onboarding, training and mentoring an may cost your organization more than you want to spend. In addition, staff turnover amongst can be high. Your best  ambitious and may wish to grow into other sales positions relatively soon. This poses a challenge to the continuity of your lead gen activities. We provide a fast, effective, cost efficient and low risk solution.


Do you have any questions or would you like a direct contact for an offer?
Then please fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
